Rachel Aldana - Plum Polkadot Bra - BTS - Set 1
Photo Set Info:
Heya there gang and welcome back to more MOnday excitement... right?
Yes, you all know how I feel about Mondays, and I can certainly imagine that you are all just as excited as I am, so let's all try to brush past the obvious and get on with the real business of new photos today, in particular some sexy behind-the-scenes shots of my 30M-Cup all-natural massive boobs!
This set comes from my Plum Polkadot Bra shoot, with this poor bra that quite simply did not stand a chance. I am actually surprised that I managed to get this thing on at all, much less backwards, and that it didn't snap and come exploding out and break the camera lens. ;-)
Have a great week and more to come!
xoxoxo -- Rachel