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Fragrance Shower 1 - Tearing open my t-shirt to unveil my big boobs in the shower!

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0:00 / 06:23

Video Info:

Runtime: 06:23
Score: 5.0/5.0


Hiya everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  I have a brand new HD video to help you kick off your week and I dare say it is one of the sexiest that I have ever done (if I do say so myself).  I always get a lot of requests for wet t-shirts and showers and doing more "big boob motion" so to speak so here's one for the fans, as they say.  For this one, I combined two of the most popular requests into one and did a whole wet t-shirt shower bit here for you, as well as tear it off as I go!  So in that respect, it's sort of a three-in-one, if you know what I mean.  ;-)  Hope you like it and have a great week!  xoxoxo -- Rachel

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