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Lace Lingerie w/ Maggie Green 2 - Double your pleasure with double the big boobs!

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0:00 / 05:11

Video Info:

Runtime: 05:11
Score: 5.0/5.0


Hiya everyone!  Summer has finally arrived and at long last we have some semi-decent weather here in the UK (miracle of miracles) and in commemoration of the longer days and more sunshine, I have a bit of digital sunshine to bring you into your weekend here as I bring your my busty self and the lovely 36DDD Maggie Green in a new HD video that I know you are going to love.  I always love shooting with another model as it seems to relax me a bit and when it's someone like Maggie who is always fun and laughs, it works even better.  You et to double your pleasure with double the big boobs in this one as we both give you a what for with our lingerie and big bras!  Have a fab weekend!  xoxoxo -- Rachel


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